New America

New America is a new kind of think and action tank: a civic platform that connects a research institute, technology lab, solutions network, media hub and public forum. Click through to explore work we’ve partnered on over the years.

National Security, Foreign Policy + Gender in 2018

New America commissioned Haller Strategies to conduct in-depth qualitative research among senior U.S. policymakers and influencers to understand national security policymakers’ perceptions around gender. This study is the follow-up to one conducted in summer 2016.

The findings provide an in-depth look and analysis into policymakers' views on gender inclusivity, awareness of gender theory, the inclusive security agenda and gender-differentiated data, as well as perceptions of the role of gender in national security policy processes and outcomes. We asked a range of questions of the policymakers also examining where gender is present, absent and siloed as policy is formulated and implemented.

Not Secondary, But Central: Securing Gender in the Mainstream

New America’s Better Life Lab and New Models of Policy Change Project sought to better understand national security policy, gender theory and cross-sectoral collaboration to look at whether and how inclusivity is shaping American national security policy. The study consisted of in-depth interviews with senior policymakers to gain a deeper understanding of how they perceive the interrelated challenges of policy and gender.

The Untold Story of Unpaid Work: Mapping Gender Perceptions of International Economic Development Decision Makers

New America’s Global Gender Parity Initiative sought to map out the media consumption habits of international decision makers, and examines their attitudes toward and understanding of gender inequality and unpaid work in the U.S. and around the world. The research featured both quantitative and qualitative research. The international survey and in-depth interviews included a select group of decision makers working in international finance and economic development.